Riches from Animals


Riches from Animals

by Davina Herbert

When people talk about riches, what does that invoke for you?  Do you think only of tangibles such as gold and money in the bank?  What if being rich and living a rich life is about much more than money?  Those who focus solely on money do not seem to live rich lives full of happiness and joy.  What if life is providing you with abundant riches that you can’t see because they do not fit your preconceived definitions?  Is there no richness in having a healthy mind and body?  Is there no richness in enjoying the company of those that you love including your animal friends and family?  

You have the power to open up to more abundance and riches in your life.  Animals are able to help us live more authentic and joyful lives, if we ask for their help and wisdom.  These can be animals in your own family or animals that you encounter during your daily life.  Did you know that animals are mirrors for us?  When you develop a connection with animals and allow that connection to provide richness to your life, then miracles and magic can show up.  

Let me give you an example.  I had a mare called Doll.  She was in my life for around 15 years.  During that time, she provided a richness to my life that would not have been possible without the wisdom that she shared with me.  If I was stuck in some area of my life, I just had to ask Doll for help to be able to see more clearly.  She always had wisdom for me that enabled me to live a richer, more fulfilling life.  All I had to do was ‘get out of my own way’ and receive wisdom from her.  Sometimes this was easier to do than others.  When my Father was sick, Doll’s wisdom helped me to access the strength I needed to be able to be there for my parents.  From Doll I had and continue to have, the richness of getting better at accessing my intuition and opening up to receive all that life has to offer – the good and the not-so-good.  Now this is not always a comfortable journey.  What growth in life is comfortable?  It is easier to stay where you are in life.  However, if you are like me, you have a strong sense of knowing that you are capable of more.  Hiding and not living up to the richness of who you truly are will leave you unsatisfied.  It’s time for female leaders of impact to step up.  If you are reading this, then you know in your heart that you are indeed a female leader who has much to contribute to the world.  Our animals and indeed all of nature, say that now is the time to be the inspirational leader that you came here to be.  

What is riches?  What if true riches included accessing the wisdom of animals to allow us to live rich lives full of joy and love and growth.



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