Stepping Into Her True Beauty and Power to Help Women Find Theirs


Stepping Into Her True Beauty and Power to Help Women Find Theirs

Jacqueline Adcock – Founder, Body Love Project


There has been so much change in my life, but I have learned to embrace it, and my own Feminessence, in such a way that I no longer fear it.

 I welcome it. 

I now know my mission is to help women heal and transform their physical health, gut health, energy and mindset by creating better daily habits. 

I grew up in a wonderful, loving family, the eldest of three children. My father and mother both supported me in what I wanted to do in life. I had dreams of becoming an international air hostess with Qantas. I did achieve this, however SARS happened, and I never started. I wanted to become a doctor or a health practitioner, but I could not take blood or deal with needles, so health it was. 

I had two beautiful young brothers, but unfortunately, in 2011, our youngest brother lost his battle with the most aggressive form of testicular cancer. He taught us many things in his wise 27 years, but most of all taught us that the beat still goes on. 

As a young child, I was a very strong-willed girl, perhaps a little too wild, but very determined and ambitious to learn all about the world. I had a wild, adventurous childhood and this led me to set my mind to anything – and go get it!

At school, I was bullied as a young girl for being skinny. This created a space for low self-esteem and confidence and eventually, in my late teens, I developed bulimia. 

I wanted to hide from the world, and this led into years of partying, drinking and drug-taking, thinking I could escape it all. At the time I was working two jobs as a community welfare worker and in hospitality, but I was really the one that needed help. One evening, surrounded by party friends, I realised I was not meant to be living this life, people-pleasing everyone and being taken advantage of.  

I wanted it to stop. I wanted to be in control of my life. I wanted to find out who I was and realised I was running away from dealing with my issues. 

I had moved back home in my early 20s to study to become a paralegal and I decided to see a psychologist who specialised in cranial sacral therapy. I initially went to see her for physical pain in the left side of my neck and learned from her that we can carry around psychosomatic pain from issues dealt with in childhood. I went on to see her for almost six years. Little did I know this would send me on a journey of personal development and self-discovery of over 20+ years.

This was the first turning point in my life. 

I eventually became an exercise physiologist and rehab case manager within the Department of Defence in late 2006, and that is where I met my husband in late 2008, becoming an instant stepmother to his daughter. We married in 2010 and have three children together. After the birth of my first child, unfortunately, I was diagnosed with postnatal depression. 

At this stage my physical and mental health needed much attention, and so it sent me on a journey to go deeper and really understand the mind, body and soul connection.



I had my second child in late 2014 and I returned to work in mid-2015. It was such a tough gig, wearing two hats and raising a family, constantly moving homes with a husband who is only there 50% of the time. Our marriage went through some very difficult times. 

I spent over 15 years working with injured members of the ADF in all three services, worked with the most amazing health professionals, members, staff and families and this is where I found my love for helping, healing, compassion and helping these injured members and their families work through painful physical and psychological injuries. 

I absolutely knew I was born to be in that position. 

I started my health and wellness coaching in mid-2013 after I had recovered from PND and had decided to branch out and educate myself in the areas of nutrition and life coaching. I now bring that into my business helping clients with techniques and tools that have helped me heal and transform. I realised I could open new pathways, help women holistically, to help them manage how to navigate through stress, mental and emotional pain, nutrition and physical health. 

I found that this challenge opened the opportunity for me to step into my Feminessence, and I resigned from my government job and moved for the last time with the children while my husband finished his posting in Sydney. It was in this process that I found me. The inner strength to face all these changes I found in myself was mind-blowing! 

It was at this time, my friend introduced me to one of the most amazing transformational energy and mindset coaches, and she showed me how to integrate my experience in the health coaching and wellbeing space with life coaching. 

I feel like I have stepped into my true power. 

I am on a mission to help women who have been through trauma, poor physical and mental health, transform their lives and take back their power so they can live the life they have dreamed of!

I want every woman to feel amazing, powerful, feminine and to have the knowledge and education to understand what is happening for them through their transformations. Healing is such a powerful tool. It allows a client to see what they have been through, how to manage it and how to let go of it. 

I started off in my business helping clients focus on losing weight and get into the best shape of their lives. However, I have since learned over the past 10 years that it is not all about losing weight. That is a byproduct. I found myself gifting a lot of time with my clients – and I was also under-charging for the work and coaching free of charge. 

I now have the confidence to work with women who are running online and traditional businesses, and also with mothers who want to improve their health, heal from trauma and improve their mindset and energy

This is how I show my clients their own true inner beauty and power, allowing them to shine the light on themselves. When it does, oh my goodness!!! It makes me light up!!! 

If a client tells me about their mental health, I start by asking them about their diet or food regime. There is such a strong connection between mental wellness and gut health. I help these women see that through the power of cleaning up their nutrition and mindset, they can break through blocks, and by creating space to do the inner work, their physical and mental wellness skyrockets. 

My programs are designed to help these women elevate their health, their business and their life. I show them how to be the best version of themselves!

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