Do You Need To Fire And Rehire Yourself?


Do You Need To Fire And Rehire Yourself?

Are you sick of doing it?

Do you wish you could hit pause, and take a break?

What if you did?

At the start of May this year, with an intuitive calling a few months prior, my two-week holiday to Bali turned into packing up my apartment, putting all my belongings in storage, and not knowing when I would be back. What I did know was that the old way of working and the old me wasn’t working and Bali was calling.

This decision was no easy feat, I’d never been to Bali before and I had no idea what would unfold. After committing to this change, I woke up regularly with a racing heart and a rollercoaster of emotions. One thing remained true; I knew I was not happy. I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore, I’d lost my passion and my guiding north star (my drive and motivation). Everything I had worked so hard for over the last eight years with my coaching business felt irrelevant. All that I had left was severe boredom, dread, and no direction. I needed a BIG shake-up.

Change is never easy. Often, we hang on for dear life and resist. Even sitting on the plane, I questioned what I was doing and again when I arrived.

I knew underneath all the fear, panic, and doubt that there was a shiny new version of me just waiting to be unwrapped and taken for a spin. But I couldn’t get to her or hear her for all of the noise going on.

Sadly, this story isn’t unique, since sharing my “what am I doing with my life story” I’ve heard many women express those very challenges.




The beauty in the unknown was that when I surrendered, let go, and let Bali take me, the most wonderful, wild, and beyond-magical experiences took place. I became activated in ways I can’t even describe. I shed old outdated versions of me that needed to go! The best part: the Universe delivered it to me in far greater ways than I could have ever tried to control or manipulate, which was a big part of what I had to let go of… control.

It’s that old saying: “What got you here, won’t get you there.” Or as Albert Einstein says: We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

How often are we asked if we want to upgrade our meal or at least add fries, yet we don’t think to ask ourselves that question? What kind of upgrade do you really need?

If you are sick of being on the hamster wheel dictated by your thoughts, a deep desire to control every outcome, and feeling like you have to ‘do’ all the time to receive then it’s time to do the very thing you fear most. It’s time for that upgrade but in the interim, you will have to fire and rehire yourself.


By Jayne Robinson

Personal Performance Coach

JR Coaching

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