Creating A Life You Love


Creating A Life You Love

Carol AravenaThe Empath Coach, Diamond Light Quantum Transformations

Intuitive empath

I grew up in a migrant family, arriving in Australia in 1971 as a four year old. I didn’t speak a word of English, so day care and kindergarten were filled with fear and confusion. I silently watched this new life in this new world evolve with little to no emotional support or guidance. My parents were dealing with their own struggles and the challenges of starting a new life in a new country. All this combined with dysfunctional and fearful migrant views of this new world and my life was very different to those of my school friends. I was awkwardly shy and fearful, and always felt like I didn’t fit in. 

I tip-toed through my younger years, fearful of attracting attention of any kind. 

Peace just didn’t exist in my reality. I was easily affected by my surroundings and would struggle to maintain my sense of self. I realise now that my body was under stress for most of my childhood. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I discovered that I was an ‘empath’. Knowing this, I was finally able to make sense of who I was and begin my journey inwards. I began to delve deeply into the world of metaphysics and the human energy field. I realised how powerless I had been all my life and was determined to find my true power and balance. And so began my studies. I became a certified reiki master, NLP practitioner, colour therapist, Magnetic Mind Method coach and Neuro Transformation therapist. I am currently studying for my doctorate in metaphysical sciences.

My 25-year marriage was a classic empath / narcissist relationship, and it took me five years to find the courage to leave. My physical body had already deteriorated from the stress of this toxic relationship. I suffered from constant anxiety attacks, my weight dropped, my light dimmed. My soul was dying, and I could no longer ignore its plea for freedom and peace. I could no longer betray myself by playing this role of powerlessness and victimhood. I decided I had to create the changes necessary regardless of the consequences. 

Ending this relationship was the beginning of finally stepping into my Feminessence® power. Facing life alone was daunting, yet empowering, and it created a window where I could begin to see my true potential. This was the catalyst for major growth in my mindset and self-expression. For the first time in my life, I felt empowered and in control of my destiny.

I had always had a part-time home clinic offering alternative energy therapies. I longed to make it my priority, but financially I was committed to working a regular job. And while I loved my job, I was deeply unfulfilled and uninspired. I knew deep down that I was not living my passion and purpose. I longed to help others find their happiness and connect to their own Feminessence®. Getting results for my clients has always been my inspiration. I wanted to help those that didn’t know how to help themselves. I had the tools and resources to make a difference. 

So, once again I tapped into my soul’s essence and power and decided to go all in with my healing business. With the support of my loving twin flame partner, I quit my job and devoted the next 18 months to building and expanding my business. I was determined to be of service and alleviate unnecessary suffering.

By connecting with and embodying my Feminessence®, I have been able to intuitively create my ideal business. I trust in myself and the power of my intuition, resulting in a beautiful state of flow. By applying the tools and strategies I now teach, I allow my creative expression to lead the way. I have moved from a fixing structure into a creative structure. This has opened the door to amazing opportunities that have helped to grow and enrich my business and my life. 

As an intuitive empath I have no trouble connecting with others and their field of energy information. This has become the greatest asset in my business. I can use my sensitivities for the highest good of the client without sabotaging my own energetic integrity. When I was growing my business, I consciously put out the call to all the souls I could support and who would most benefit from my services. As a result of that calling, it has become evident that I have a beautiful resonance with fellow empaths, healers and lightworkers. Through their openness and awareness of energy, we can create deep and lasting change within body, mind and soul. I can connect them to their own wisdom and power. They can then begin to create their own soul’s passion and purpose. Life becomes a joyful experience lived with wonder and awe, manifesting as a life they can truly love.

I believe women in the past have had to be in their male energies to survive in business just like their male counterparts. But the world is changing, and the balance is returning. As Feminessence® continues to awaken and encompass the world I think it will affect all sectors of life, business included. The advantage of Feminessence® power is that it imbues the qualities of surrender, compassion and nurturing into my business. It allows my business to grow intuitively and soulfully, without fear, stress or limitation. What I have learned in my metaphysical studies is it takes both masculine and feminine energies to create your reality. Not only is gender one of the main hermetic principles, observable in all nature and in us, but it is also one of the most overlooked aspects in business. 

I believe we are all created from the same blueprint of perfection. The only thing that hinders the experience of this perfection is your perceptions. Your perceptions are created by your experiences, beliefs, values and family, religious and social indoctrination. Imbalanced ego-driven perceptions create an imbalanced ego-driven outlook on life. This manifests as disharmony within body, mind, spirit and your life experience. With empathic intuition and a varied toolbox of modalities, I can locate the seed cause of imbalance, creating the opportunity for healing to take place. You are then able to experience life from a much more balanced perspective, which opens the door for a happier, healthier and wealthier you.

‘Dreams are free. Learning how to make them your reality is priceless.’CA

creating-a-life-you-loveAll my services are aimed at awakening, empowering and expanding my client’s authentic soul essence. 

By combining intuition and a range of modalities the client can release the traumas and stories of the past with ease and grace, resolving emotional and energetic attachments, recode the subconscious programs and beliefs that limit and hinder their full potential and reset their blueprint of perfection, intention and focus with clarity so they can connect to, align with and create their soul’s purpose and passion.

This then allows the client to transition from a fixing or broken perception to a creative and empowered perception. They are then free to create a life they love completely supported by their Feminessence® power and wisdom.

My offerings, all available online, include:

  • 1:1 Quantum Transformation sessions tailored to the client’s needs and awareness.
  • A six-week Quantum Blueprint Breakthrough program designed to clear the stories, beliefs and subconscious programs holding you from your true potential.
  • A 12-week Magnetic Mind Masterclass to begin creating and living your desired reality.
  • A 12-week Quantum Blueprint Transformation program designed to awaken, evolve, transform and transcend from a limited 3D human awareness to an unlimited 5D soulful experience of life.
  • NES Health services in the emerging field of bioenergetics. This means assessing and correcting the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy.

Here is a testimonial from a recent client which shows how transformational my healing work can be:

‘After feeling stagnant and asleep for a period of time, Carol’s beautiful energy work has brought a light back into my life that I was starting to worry had faded. Her sessions are open, honest, and really get to the core of the areas most in need of self-healing. Carol makes you feel safe to face the things we all like to stuff away, deep down, hoping they’ll just go away. 

The space she creates to do the work in is almost magical sometimes – you can feel and ‘see’ the diamond energy working in and around your field and body. Some sessions are more intense than others, but I always walk away feeling far more energised, clear, and enthusiastic than when I walked in. I would highly recommend Carol and her beautiful healing abilities to anyone who’s been feeling a bit lost and beaten or just looking for a way to regain some clarity and purpose.

Thank you so much Carol! Your energy and your work are exactly what this world needs more of.’TP

It is this kind of feedback that fuels my soul. My heart soars knowing that I have made a difference in helping someone’s light shine brighter, and their reality a happier one.

I look back now at my past with gratitude and compassion. I’m grateful for those that have played their roles in my story, giving me the opportunity to learn and grow. I have compassion for that little girl lost in a big world, and her bravery in surviving the challenges and experiences that have made me the empowered expression of my Feminessence®.

My whole life I have felt a sense of not belonging, of being different, an outsider. Even in my own family I have always been the rainbow sheep, the one breaking the ancestral codes. I realise now that it has all been in preparation for who I am and what I do. My life experience so far has prepared me to embody my gifts, my power and my essence without fear, without doubt and without judgment. I have come to realise that I AM enough. I AM worthy and deserving of a life I love. I AM a unique and perfect manifestation of Divine Light Essence. I choose joy, abundance, vitality and freedom and I create it with ease and grace. My passion is to support and guide others that choose the same. My purpose is to show others that they too can be the predominant creative force in their reality. 

So, for now I will continue to be of service to all those that are ready to claim their sovereignty. I will continue to learn, grow and expand, always holding the intention to be the best version of myself. This includes completing my doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences and publishing two books on emotional detachment and responsibility. And, of course, expanding my business so as to make a greater impact on the world. Healing it, one soul at a time, in my own unique Feminessence® way. 

‘Look with the eyes of your soul and engage the essential.’Teachings of the Q’ERO

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