3 Key Strategies for Stay-At-Home Parents to Make $100K/Year in Just 2-4 Hours Per Day


3 Key Strategies for Stay-At-Home Parents to Make $100K/Year in Just 2-4 Hours Per Day

Kathryn Morrow

As a wife, mother, and business owner of multiple 6-7 figure businesses, I know just as well as anyone that time is scarce. When my twin girls were born, I quickly learned that although I wanted to stay at home with them, I also wanted to go back to work…but how? How was I supposed to choose? The stigma of society made me believe that if I went back to work I was a “bad mom,” whereas if I didn’t go back to work, I would have had to sacrifice the business that took years to build. The entire first year of their lives was spent trying to find my balance. Trying to juggle bringing them to work and finding trustworthy childcare, balancing my desire to be with them with my desire to run my business, and making ends meet with my income and my bills without completely exhausting myself. For these reasons, I developed The $ix Figure Nap: Make $100K While Your Children Are Napping. Using the three strategies outlined below, you can learn how to balance your work and home life without running yourself into the ground. 


  1. Get on a schedule. Whether you have 1, 2, or 10 children at home, sticking to a schedule is going to be one of the best moves you make. A schedule cannot be written in stone, but the value of having one is something you will never regret. If you only have 2 hours per day to dedicate to your business, you’re going to want it to be a very focused time. Consider having a consistent sleep routine and nap schedule so that you know exactly when you have 2 hours of quiet time. A consistent napping schedule will also encourage a full night of sleep, so you can even squeeze in some work after bedtime!


  1. Know your target audience. A business can be built out of any idea, but you need to know who you’re selling to. It doesn’t matter how amazing your idea is if there is no one to buy it. To get your income to six figures without working a regular 8-hour day (or 12-16 hours for many entrepreneurs), you are going to need to be selling a high-ticket product or service (this means a product or service that sells for thousands – not hundreds). By knowing exactly who your target client is, you’ll know what is on their heart and can develop your services to very closely match their needs, and BOOM! High ticket sales are possible!


  1. Get help. When you’re running a successful business, you’ll need to know exactly where to spend your time. While your children are napping is when you’ll be making high ticket sales and creating your next amazing offer – this is not the time to fold laundry or order groceries. Save time by hiring someone to help you do the smaller jobs, so you can focus on making $100K. By paying someone $25/hour to free up your time, you’ll have the opportunity to make $250/hour (or more!) and can concentrate on busking your empire. 

Building a business isn’t always easy, but it also doesn’t have to be hard. For more information, and to download my free $100K Blueprint, visit https://blueprint.sixfigurenap.com/6fnoptin



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