Never Give Up On Your Dreams


Never give up on your Dreams

Kez Wickham St. George

There was no such catchphrase as I grew up, it was working hard, I for one was not given the opportunity to become a University student, although it was my dream. At the age of fifteen my father announced ‘You have had enough education it’s time for you to go to work’ Was I happy with his decision? Not at all. The decision was made for me, as girls in the 1960’s were expected to have very little education, marry early have a family then what, It was ‘then what that worried me. Again, I did what was expected, I married then appeared with 4 gorgeous children. Motherhood became my prime concern, they were all happily settled in school when I was offered an opportunity to begin a five-year whirlwind of a higher education. 

I began college once more as a senior student two days a week at my local college, studying English literature and the arts where my brain literally came alive. Once an assignment was completed, the feeling of thriving in an atmosphere of knowledge, and gaining the much-needed certificates plus diplomas to attend a university, was my goal.                 

To become a Tutor in the arts plus learning basic phycology, philosophy plus ESOL. It was a fast and furious pace, I often wanted to throw it all away, however, I had a goal and was achieving it. After two years of study, I was introduced to Exhibition Curating. This introduction led to event management, again offered a position with an international ESOL company as a tutor in English and the subject of tourism and art trails throughout New Zealand.

Many years later when I look back, I see a timid young Mum who knew there was so much more, took a big breath, and stepped up. I accomplished so much by taking that also led to becoming a well-known artist with many exhibitions solo and shared.  I then found my niche in writing, Today I am an author of fourteen books, an award-winning bestselling author, a professional book reviewer, and writers consultant, an international speaker plus a proud Publisher affiliated with a global publishing company.  My dedication to the quote that knowledge is powerful has not failed me. If you have a dream then don’t give it away, prepare yourself in every way to fulfill your passion.

Believe and achieve.


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