Who’s Luckier Than Us?

Who’s Luckier Than Us?

Who’s Luckier Than Us?

Author Jen Gottlieb shares how to unleash your authentic self and finally be seen.

Most of us who don’t want to be seen, don’t want to be seen because we’re worried about what “they” think. The infamous “they”. Afterall, it’s human nature to care about what other people think. But what if we stopped letting those other people live rent-free in our heads? What if we totally reframed the way we looked at being seen? Because at the end of the day being seen has little to do with you at all! Being seen is about serving the people who need you most. It’s about the person reading that magazine article or watching you on the news or bookmarking that Instagram reel so they can revisit it again and again. It’s about helping one person, in a way that only you can.

Jen Gottlieb, Co-Founder of Super Connector Media, has taught over 40,000 business owners how to build profitable brands and become “The Recognized Expert” in their field all by being seen as the truest, most authentic versions of themselves. She is the Author of BE SEEN, a guide to finding your voice, building your brand, and living your dream, and Co-Creator of Build Your Brand Live, an exclusive live event showing entrepreneurs how to unleash AI’s full power to grow their brands. 

If you’re ready to step into the spotlight and start owning your main-character energy, check out Jen’s top tips for being seen:

Flip Your FOMO

When aspiring to be the recognized expert in your niche, your FOMO can become your greatest asset. Instead of feeling envious when you see someone in your industry featured in a top publication, be grateful. Use it as proof that the media craves your expertise too. Research their journey, and you’ll likely uncover numerous opportunities perfectly suited for you as well.

Tell Stories Only You Can Tell

In order to differentiate yourself from every other expert in the world, you need to find what makes you and your story different from every other expert out there. So find a memorable, preferably messy, story. Why messy? Because the point is to remind people that you’re human, just like they are. In the end, people want to feel like you understand what they are going through, that you’ve been there, and that’s why you can help! So if you want to stand out and be seen, tell more stories that only you can tell—in the way that only you can tell them.

Make “Visibility is Your Responsibility” Your New Mantra

Have a product, story, or message that can genuinely help people? Then it’s your responsibility to be seen. Every day you remain hidden, your potential clients are going to choose to hire someone else, listen to someone else, or follow someone else simply because they can’t find you. That’s why hesitating to be seen due to fear is a selfish act. Remind yourself daily that self-promotion is not distasteful; it’s your responsibility to the people out there who need you. 

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